
Below is a a selection of my published work. Some examples include a PDF version of the work, including my zoo book The Welfare Ark (2000).

Please note that I am also working on a book about great apes, building further upon my original PhD research.

  1. Jane Goodall at 90: Celebrating an Astonishing Lifetime of Science, Advocacy, Humanitarianism, Hope, and Peace

    Marc Bekoff and I collected ninety essays from family and friends of Dr. Jane Goodall to celebrate her 90th birthday. Contributors include George Schaller, Richard Wrangham, Leonardo DiCaprio, Peter Singer, Jill Robinson, Joaquin Phoenix, Satish Kumar, Philip Lymbery, Sir Brian May, Melody Horrill, Jo-Anne McArthur and others. Leading wildlife photographer Thomas Mangelsen provided many of the pictures. This book gives an unique insight in Jane and how persistence helps her to inspire millions of people. All royalties will go to projects dear to Jane.

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    Jane Goodall at 90: Celebrating an Astonishing Lifetime of Science, Advocacy, Humanitarianism, Hope, and Peace
  2. Essay on Factory Farms: Reasons for adopting a plant-based diet

    In this essay, Dr. Jane Goodall and I argue that factory farms are at the same time one of the most serious ethical challenges ever and in principle one of the easiest to resolve. Factory farms threaten billions of organisms and our planet. Moving to a plant-based diet is a win-win-win for animals, the planet and our own health.

    “One of the most powerful essays I've ever read on why factory farming must end, to be replaced by more plant-based eating.” (Prof. Dr. Peter Singer, Emeritus Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University)

    Full paper
    Essay on Factory Farms: Reasons for adopting a plant-based diet
  3. JGI Statement on Cetacean Captivity

    This is a statement which I co-authored with Dr. Jane Goodall, calling for an immediate ban on capturing, keeping and breeding dolphins and other cetaceans in captivity. We make the appeal to bring these mammals to marine sanctuaries where they can live a more natural, enriching life, free of the confines of artificial tanks and forced performances.

    Full paper
    JGI Statement on Cetacean Captivity
  4. The Ethical Cost of Predator Free New Zealand 2050

    During Jane Goodall’s visits to New Zealand she is frequently asked about her position regarding the poison called ‘1080’. This controversial poison is widely used in New Zealand to kill possums, rats and stoats in order to save endangered species. However, 1080 and other poisons are known to cause tremendous suffering to both ‘target’ and ‘non-target’ animals, including dogs. On Dr Goodall’s request, I’ve taken a deep dive into this complex ethical topic. This case study has been provided to the government of New Zealand.

    Full paper
    The Ethical Cost of Predator Free New Zealand 2050
  5. Jane Goodall: over chimpansees, werktuigen en individuen

    In Dutch only: an essay I’ve written on Jane Goodall’s legendary work for a book on the history of zoology. Click the link below for the full book, which was published as a second edition in 2022.

    Purchase book Read my chapter
    Jane Goodall: over chimpansees, werktuigen en individuen
  6. Zoos as Welfare Arks? Reflections on an Ethical Course for Zoos

    Metamorphoses of the Zoo, edited by Prof. Dr. Ralph Acampora (Hofstra University), brings a collection of critical essays on zoos. I’ve written the opening chapter for this book, which has been published in 2010 by Lexington Books. The results of my analysis are,unfortunately,still valid.

    Purchase book Read my chapter
    Zoos as Welfare Arks? Reflections on an Ethical Course for Zoos
  7. Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare (2 Volumes)

    My essays: Affective Ethology; The Great Ape Project; Great Apes and Language Research.

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    Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare (2 Volumes)
  8. Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals (4 Volumes)

    My essays: René Descartes; Great Apes and Language Research; The Great Ape Project; Animal Welfare, Animal Rights, and Conservation at Zoos.

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    Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals (4 Volumes)
  9. The Welfare Ark: Suggestions for a Renewed Policy in Zoos

    In this book, now sold out, I cast a critical eye over the welfare of animals in zoos. I also investigate the roles zoos aim to fulfill in terms of conservation, research and education. I argue that we should transform zoos into sanctuaries, places that keep animals when this is in their own individual interest.

    Praise for The Welfare Ark:

    “I highly recommend this important book.” (Dr. Jane Goodall)

    “An impressive and genuine piece of research on an important topic.” (Prof. Dr. Mary Midgley, Newcastle University)

    “This book has a great deal to contribute to an ongoing debate.” (Dr. Stephen Bostock, Glasgow Zoo)

    “eye-opening, easy-to-read, and well-balanced (…) The Welfare Ark is also a goldmine of information (…) he has done the animals and us a great service by writing a book that is laden with facts and solid arguments.” (Prof. Dr. Marc Bekoff, University of Colorado)

    Read the full book here
    The Welfare Ark: Suggestions for a Renewed Policy in Zoos